Currently there are six Country Chapters: Switzerland (since 2005), Germany (since 2008), UK, Benelux, Nordics and Africa. Participants (Members) of the Chapters have to meet at least two of the following requirements to be able to join (eligible for a membership):
- Blue Chip Company / Listed on Swiss Market Index (SMI), German Dax or any other major stock index
- Owner of one of the most valuable brands
- Annual turnover of minimum 1 billion Euros/Swiss Francs
Moreover, brand and reputation management in these companies
- has to be executed as an important and actively supported part within the corporate strategy
- should not be understood and applied as a pure tactical and operative communication tool
- has to be perceived as a complex and sophisticated management duty and should strive for selective advances and improvements at the interface of Strategy, Finance, Human Resources, Public Affairs, Risk Management, IT, Legal and Controlling.
If you are interested in joining one of the Country Chapters please contact the board members.